Yesterday, we had another ultrasound. While it is sooo exciting to see the babies, it is also very nerve racking to know for sure that they are developing as expected. Dr. Poggie (my perinatologist) was very pleased. The girls' are in the 40% percentile in weight (this is among all births -- girls, boys and singletons), so she was super pleased. Baby A weighs 1.3 pounds and Baby B weighs 1.2 pounds. I only have 5-1/2 more pounds to go to avoid the low birth weight classification! This growth is totally consistent with what was expected. She did a ton of other measurements and spent a good deal of time on the heart--she again was visually excited to see that everything looked great. 4 chambers with blood all pumping very well. Baby A is now head up and spine up, Baby B is head down and face up. They will continue to move around. Unfortunately, Baby A's position didn't allow for any cute profile shots, so you here you can take a look at her perfect spine and back of her head (that's not her face). :) Baby B seems to have a stuck up nose like me.
Then, the part I was waiting for...the evaluation of my cervix. This is where the rubber meets the road on preterm labor, complications for early delivery, etc. She exclaimed, "You have a rock star cervix." Of course I wonder, how long that's going to last. She explained that typically it doesn't change much after 22 weeks, so I should be in the clear. However, I know things can change at any time for any reason. My cervix, for those of you who are dying to know, is 4.5cm. That's MUCH longer than the 2.5cm that would cause alarm. Yeah!
I had a lengthy discussion with her about bed rest (remember, my other doctor is going to mandate it). She said there are no medical studies that indicate bed rest for the sake of bed rest (i.e. no real reason) does anything except potentially cause blood clots in the legs. This is excellent news. We'll see what my OBGYN says, but I'm likely going to see how I feel before following doctor's orders if nothing is wrong. However, I know soon I will likely feel uncomfortably huge and might enjoy working from home in jammies, instead of making the 50 minute commute on metro. We'll see. Regardless, I am very happy!!!
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