This was yet another productive weekend, but more relaxed, so no swollen feet. Thank goodness that's the only time I've really had swelling...my husband was running me ragged last weekend.
This weekend was pretty chill. Friday, we went out for Thai food. Saturday I made my last trip to BabiesRUs for a while to get sheets for our PackNPlay, went to Trader Joe's to stock up on easy meals for when the girls arrive, interviewed a nanny (she's great, I think we are going to try to hire her if we can meet her salary expectations), and then I went to Kathryn's baby shower. She's due just 4 days after I am and pregnant with a boy. It was a good time and she looked great!
By the time David and I reconnected at the house it was nearly 6:30pm, so we grabbed Mexican food and a movie. I fell asleep on the fouch (the movie was stupid...some Iraq/CIA crap) and went to bed around 10pm. So, this morning, I couldn't sleep and have been awake since 2am doing stupid stuff online like trying to merge my outlook contacts into yahoo (unsuccessful), syncing my blackberry, and posting this blog (pic will be added later if I get around to it). It's 4:20AM! Today, I'm going to start washing all the babies stuff -- sheets, receiving blankets, clothing, etc. I also need to put together a bouncy seat and organize their closet. I'm still expecting to hit the "wall" so I want to jam out these last "to do's" so I can just put my feet up (if necessary) the last few weeks. Oh yeah, we're also interviewing another nanny tonight. We've decided that the time it takes to get the girls ready, transport them, etc, etc, it will be well worth the extra expense to have someone come to our house. I'm willing to cut back on that unnecessary purse/shoe purchase now and then to have the benefit of a nanny!
You know the status on the girls, but they continue to be extremely active. That's part of the reason why I am up this morning (plus, my brain won't stop going!). A new fun fact is that over the remaining 6 weeks, they will gain a third of their birth weight. They also now have toenails, fingernails, and real hair (remember, we saw this on the ultrasound!).
As each day passes I'm getting more prepared (mentally) for their arrival. I know it's going to be extremely hard, but we are fortunate to have my Mom, Dad and David's Mom coming to visit and help for about 2 weeks each. All coming from far away -- Indiana and California. Plus, David will be taking 3 weeks off work, so hopefully for over 2 months someone should be home with me helping out with the girls, but also making sure we're fed, able to shower, and reasonably sane. Then, I'm sure I will be ready to spend some quality alone time with the girls. It's all going to happen so fast! It feels like yesterday I found out I was pregnant on my birthday (Aug 30th!).
1 comment:
I'm laughing at the fact that you posted at 4:20 AM bc you couldn't sleep! Get ready for lots of restless nights- SO many times I've gotten up at 2 or 3 or 4 to feed Clay and he goes right back to sleep and I'm still awake w my mind racing about everything else I have to do, etc. And then he wakes up and the whole cycle starts all over. And from what I've heard, I'm not the only one that happens to. Of course, Bob is sound asleep the whole time and has no such problems.
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