We had another ultrasound today and we are ecstatic! Much to our surprise, our girls are definitely a lot fatter than I thought they'd be. I was rooting for 3 pounds 3 ounces and we far exceeded that goal. I actually belted out a "whoo hooo" in the doctor's ear this morning and had to apologize for it. According to the perinatologist, the girls are "growing impeccably!" {We get great quotes from the perinatologist, don't we?!). Baby A and Baby B have officially switched designations. Baby A is now on my right and Baby B is now on my left. They didn't confuse them, it all has to do with who's closest to the cervix. So, Baby A (right) is the lightweight of the two (as usual) weighing in at 3 pounds 11 ounces!!! This is 50th percentile for twin girls. Baby B (left) is the heavy weight weighing in at 4 pounds 3 ounces, which is the 75th percentile! GO GIRLS!!!! I suppose all the protein I've been eating has really helped (I strive for at least 80-100 grams per day, which is a TON compared to the 40 I used to eat). Did you add up the weight? At 31.5 weeks, I'm already carrying the equivalent of a nearly 8 pound baby!
In more good news, Baby A (which used to be B) is now head down, just like her sister. This means the odds are improving for a regular (not c-section) birth. However, they could still flip again. They will soon run out of room and be too heavy to flip. I'm going with the flow on either way...it's not like this is something I can control!
We are very happy. If you think about it, we have no more than 6.5 weeks to go, so they should have no problem reaching 5lbs 8oz, which is when they are officially low birth weight. Remember, the goals are 37 weeks (April 20th) and 5lbs8oz. If we have a regular birth and no bed rest, we'll have really beaten all the odds. I'm hopeful we can make these important milestones for fat and healthy babies with minimal hospital stays.
Also, the girls continue to hide from us. They are facing towards my spine (anterior), so we only have a picture of their heads together.
BTW, Baby A has the hiccups right now.
looking great sis. my BFAM freaking out yet. tell him to call me
where do you get the time to do this. you wont soon! im excited for you both.
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