Sunday, August 9, 2009

All About Sylvia

My little Sylvia is not really so little. I'm guessing at our doctor's appointment in a few weeks she will weigh in around 14 pounds, so now she probably weighs about 13 pounds. She's really grown in the last week; she is definitely longer and heavier. She is incredibly adorable and a joy to be around. She is generally a very happy baby. She doesn't cry much, except for when her bottle is empty (after chugging 8 oz in 12 minutes!) or if she's tired. She cries very loudy, but is pretty easy to calm down. She smiles, but not all the time. She is very laid back and takes a lot in and then talks about it with plenty of "ah goos." She also squeals in delight and it's just adorable. She is still spitting up and nearly all the time requires a bib to avoid soaking her outfit before lunch! We are so lucky to have a happy, healthy baby. We love her so much.

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