We're sooo excited to have made it to the 35th week! After all the terrible things I've read and were threatened, I didn't have to worry about any of it. We vividly recall my perinatologists comments about the 35th week being the "chip shot" when I questioned what week we should be striving to reach. The lungs should be pretty much fully developed and if everything else is good, they wouldn't spend more than a few weeks in the NICU. However, we don't need to talk about that yet. David is headed to Chicago this week (he must not be concerned at all about me going into labor!). I already have a back up birth coach, my good friend Jen, just in case! I doubt/hope I'll be neededing her though! I'm betting my due date will be April 22nd for some reason...that's 37.5 weeks or just 5 days before the inducement/c-section date. Not sure why this date is sticking with me, it's just my bet! [Note, David wanted me to add that he's going on one final guys trip to whoop it up...just kidding, he's got some really, uber importante business dealings going on there and he says he MUST go! Seriously though, I ain't worried, but he better know how to home fast if he's needed. I wouldn't want to be him if he missed the big day!]
I think this week's belly pic is a better representation of what I'm looking like. Gettin bigger, but I'm still feeling good. I've scored a temp parking pass at work, which will be incredibly helpful...I'd rather sit in my car on my heated seat instead of having some gigantic person sit next to me (I ALWAYS get the HUGE person next to me...it's so uncomfortable now!). I have 15 days of work left and 22 days to go! Where'd the pregnancy go?
Here's what's going on with the girls -- they should be over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (let's hope!). They hopefully aren't doing somersults anymore because they are running out of room, but the number of times their kicks are definitely the same (if not more!). Their kidneys are fully developed now, and their liver can process some waste products. Most of their basic physical development is now complete.
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