For nearly a week now, I've have numbness in my hands. It's like they are always asleep. It's very annoying, but according to my doctor, completely normal. I guess swelling causes numbness. Strangely, I don't feel or look swollen. My rings and watch still fit. At night, when I sleep, I have to be careful to sleep with my hands down by my side or I will wake up to a completely numb arm. This is not an easy thing to do. My doc says the numbness will go away after delivery.
Otherwise, still feeling good. I definitely feel a lot of pelvic pressure; they must be getting into position. My belly is definitely lower . It's almost like I'm sitting on it...makes me feel terrible when they have the hiccups. Am I squishing them? Last night between the numbness and the pelvic pressure, I tossed and turned a lot, but I still feel rested.
David is still in luck -- no labor. He's returning from Chicago tomorrow night. The girls already miss his silly chats.
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