We enjoyed an afternoon at the house on the main floor. I am only able to walk upstairs a few times a day because of the c-section, so we hung out downstairs. All of the feedings went well (we are nursing, but supplementing with formula until my milk comes in), but it is a bit of a process (latch, manually express, provide formula through syringe directly into her mouth while I'm "nursing" to avoid nipple confusion) and takes a while. We went upstairs after the 9pm feeding and set the alarm for 11:50pm. Unfortunately, Sylvia woke at 11:15am so we hung and and she nursed for a bit (it's just a comfort thing since she's not getting anything really...colostrom only lasts a few sucks). We started really feeding her at 12AM, then we fed Sylvia. They both were a bit fussy but went down FOR ABOUT 15 MINUTES. They were awake ALL NIGHT!!! They were screaming hysterically and rooting, so we figured they were hungry. We'd feed them, they'd scream some more. We'd swaddle, they'd scream. Etc. Etc. Around 5am, I was in major pain (from my incision) and needed to rest. David toughed it out until 8am (again, he's a ROCK STAR DADDY!) and when I woke, he was downstairs feeding again. He finally got them to calm down and sleep!!! We woke them for a 10am feeding and they have been sleeping peacefully (with interrupted hiccups) ever since. I don't know why he didn't wake me (or why I didn't heard it), but he recognized I needed to rest. I am SWOLLEN all over. My legs and feet are ENORMOUS, my incision area is inflamed (not infected) and I was on my feet way too long, so I started to bleed quite a bit. TMI, I know, but I'll tell you the real joys and pains of parenthood! David and I realized yet again that we are a great team and in this together since having babies is not going to filled with perfect days with cooing and smiles.
We think they weren't getting enough to eat and have upped the amount of formula. Babies are born with 3 days of food rersereve and the were not eating a lot in the hospital and now they need more. Since we are nursing and formula feeding we received a lot of conflicting advice from the various lactation consultants who visted us. Hopefully my milk will be in soon, but I am afraid the questions about feeding will always be there if they are fussy! Whi knows if they are crying because they are cold/hot, hungry, dirty, etc.
Today is already a better day. David is napping. I will soon begin the feeding process again.
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